Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a condition characterized by severe and persistent pain, often emerging following an injury. Our dedicated physician team are here to assist you in managing CRPS and alleviating your discomfort.

Our approach to CRPS treatment is centered on relieving pain and reducing inflammation, recognizing that there is no permanent cure. Dr. Maxime Debrosse employs a variety of methods to enhance your quality of life. Medications such as pain relievers, antidepressants, corticosteroids and ibuprofen may be prescribed to mitigate pain and inflammation. These medications target different aspects of CRPS symptoms, providing a comprehensive approach to pain management.

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in our treatment plan. We offer guidance on exercises and techniques designed to improve limb functionality and reduce stiffness. For localized relief, topical analgesics are available, targeting pain at its source. In certain cases, more advanced treatments like spinal cord stimulation and sympathetic nerve blocks may be recommended. These procedures help modulate pain signals and offer significant relief.

At Relieve-Pain and Spine Center, our approach is tailored to your specific needs. Dr. Maxime Debrosse conducts comprehensive evaluations, which may include X-rays, bone scans, MRI scans and blood tests to identify the root cause of your condition. Our commitment to compassionate care means we work closely with you to create the most effective treatment plan, taking into consideration your individual symptoms and concerns. Together, we can work towards achieving a higher quality of life. Do not hesitate to begin your journey by calling 689-208-4848 today to learn how we can address your complex regional pain syndrome in Mount Dora, Florida.